Access to Work

Access To Work is a UK government programme that supports people with a physical or mental health condition or disability to take up or stay at work.

If you are autistic or have ADHD, you could qualify for the grant.

An Access to Work grant can pay for practical, life-changing support with the following:

  • Starting work
  • Staying in work
  • Moving into self-employment or starting a business (but not to cover start-up costs) 

Getting an Access to Work grant won’t affect any other benefits you receive, and you won’t need to re-pay it. You or your employer may need to pay some costs upfront and claim them back later.

Access To Work can fund adjustments in the workplace or for getting into the workplace. It’s unfortunately not available for those who cannot work or are retired.

The process

When you apply for Access To Work support, you fill in an application and if accepted, go through an assessment process where the support you receive is tailored to you. You should be offered assistance to develop a support plan for your workplace, which could include coaching and/or work-based neurodiversity training.

You will need to speak to your employer about your Autism and /or ADHD diagnosis if you want to get funding for coaching through Access to Work.

What do I need to qualify for Access To Work?

Autism and ADHD are listed as mental health disabilities in the Mental Health Act (1990).

To qualify for Access To Work support, you must fulfill the following four criteria: 

  • Have a physical or mental health condition or disability that means you need support to do your job or get to and from work,
  • Be 16 or over
  • Be in paid work (or be about to start or return to paid work in the next 12 weeks)
  • Be employed or self-employed.
  • Live and work in England, Scotland, or Wales.

How do I apply?

Go to the where you can check your eligibility.

You can apply for access to work directly or if you would prefer to get support with your Access to Work application there are third-party organisations that will walk you through the process. One of these organisations is This is Me – contact them using this link to find out more

If you want to apply for Access to Work directly click here

What happens after I apply?

An assessor from Access To Work will contact you.

You’ll have a conversation/interview about your work circumstances, what you do in your job, and how your condition(s) affects your work to decide the best support to offer you.

The assessor might need to speak to your employer or ask to view your workplace environment. Any funding needs to be approved first, and your employer generally pays first and then gets reimbursed.

If you want to have coaching funded through access to work you will usually have to provide quotes from three coaches.

Please contact me if you would like me to supply an Access to Work Quote. (

In addition to coaching, I can also provide neurodiversity/communication training to your work team/managers and a final coaching report detailing your strengths, strategies, and reasonable adjustments that allow you to work at your best.